PCN Telecom

Attached to Act 7971 directed to IPv6 tests, Anatel created an Act to deal only with tests directed to the IPv6 protocol. The new is the statement informed in item 3.6.3, applied when the product has a module already approved.
Criteria for accepting the results of IPv6 tests on products that incorporate modules with an air interface intended for mobile services:
Equipment incorporati ng communicati on modules whose IPv6 protocol is fullyimplemented in the software/firmware of the final product must be fully submitted to tests.
The full application of these requirements is also mandatory for equipment whose IPv6 protocol is partly implemented in the communication module and partly in the software/firmware of the final product.
In cases where a final product integrates a homologated communication module whose IPv6 protocol stack is fully implemented in the module, the evaluation of theintegration of the product with the module regarding the functionality of the IPv6 protocol must be carried out by the agent responsible for the conformity assessment.
To this end, the applicant for approval must include in the application a declaration from the module manufacturer informing that the IPv6 protocol is fully implemented in the module, accompanied by :
results of IPv6 protocol verification tests on the final product using the “ping” command or, when this command is not enabled on the product, by another equally effective method to be defined by the laboratory, carried out in a third-party laboratory; or
results of the tests provided for in item 3.4 of this document carried out on the final productoin a third party laboratory or in the manufacturer's own laboratory.