At the seminar on March 29, 2024 in Binh Duong, we introduced certification in India countries. To learn more about certifications here, please contact us to receive links to videos at our seminar.

- We introduce about India Certification System
+ We explain you about Safety, Energy Efficiency , Wireless , Telecom and Waste Management. In Safety there are two certification required from BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) one is BIS CRS (Compulsory registration Scheme )and another BIS ISI QCO (Quality Control Order). For Energy Efficiency we need approval from BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency). For Wireless products we need approval from WPC (Wireless Planning and Co ordination wings). For Telecom we need approval from TEC (Telecom Engineering Centre) under scheme of MANDATORY TESTING & CERTIFICATION OF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (MTCTE). Waste management needs to get approval from CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)
- We would like to show you summery of the applicable regulation with reference to each product. We need BIS CRS , BEE , WPC ETA & CPCB approval for products such as IT/AV, Lighting , Battery and Home Appliances. Kindly refer to the table for the requirement of certification. Similarly we need BIS CRS , BEE , WPC ETA & CPCB approval for products such as IT/AV, Lighting , Battery and Home Appliances. Kindly refer to the table for the requirement of certification. Under BIS ISI there are more than 600 products listed under mandatory approval which includes Steel, Cement, Aluminium, Copper, Textile, Foot Wear, Chemical, Home Appliance ,Rubber, Paper, Helmets, Automobile components such as Tyre , Wheel Rims etc. Recently BIS have added Washing Machine & V belt under mandatory
List of our seminar topics:
Product Certification Network (PCN) & Global Compliance Laboratory (GCL)
Asean Certification System
Latin America Product Certification System
China & Taiwan Certification System
Middle East Certification System
Africa Certification System
India Certification System
Global Compliance Laboratory (GCL)
GCL Vietnam Product Testing Laboratory
Electrical Safety Testing of Product
Energy Efficiency Testing of Product
Global EMC Certification System and Standard
Global RF & Telecom Certification System and Standard
Software Verification and Certification - Cyber Security
Factory Audit
Thank you!
Other intro videos: click here
Below is an intro video of certification in India countries.
+ We explain you about Safety, Energy Efficiency , Wireless , Telecom and Waste Management. In Safety there are two certification required from BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) one is BIS CRS (Compulsory registration Scheme )and another BIS ISI QCO (Quality Control Order). For Energy Efficiency we need approval from BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency). For Wireless products we need approval from WPC (Wireless Planning and Co ordination wings). For Telecom we need approval from TEC (Telecom Engineering Centre) under scheme of MANDATORY TESTING & CERTIFICATION OF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (MTCTE). Waste management needs to get approval from CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)
- We would like to show you summery of the applicable regulation with reference to each product. We need BIS CRS , BEE , WPC ETA & CPCB approval for products such as IT/AV, Lighting , Battery and Home Appliances. Kindly refer to the table for the requirement of certification. Similarly we need BIS CRS , BEE , WPC ETA & CPCB approval for products such as IT/AV, Lighting , Battery and Home Appliances. Kindly refer to the table for the requirement of certification. Under BIS ISI there are more than 600 products listed under mandatory approval which includes Steel, Cement, Aluminium, Copper, Textile, Foot Wear, Chemical, Home Appliance ,Rubber, Paper, Helmets, Automobile components such as Tyre , Wheel Rims etc. Recently BIS have added Washing Machine & V belt under mandatory
List of our seminar topics:
Product Certification Network (PCN) & Global Compliance Laboratory (GCL)
Asean Certification System
Latin America Product Certification System
China & Taiwan Certification System
Middle East Certification System
Africa Certification System
India Certification System
Global Compliance Laboratory (GCL)
GCL Vietnam Product Testing Laboratory
Electrical Safety Testing of Product
Energy Efficiency Testing of Product
Global EMC Certification System and Standard
Global RF & Telecom Certification System and Standard
Software Verification and Certification - Cyber Security
Factory Audit
Thank you!
Other intro videos: click here
Below is an intro video of certification in India countries.